Http Module

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Python http module is “a package that collects several modules for working with the HyperText Transfer Protocol”. The module is a middle level module that sits between low level socket and high level urllib modules. It is relatively simpler than the other two modules.

I can’t find many documentation for the http module. The standard library has one page for each file in this package. The Python 3 Module of the Week site has two pages for http.server and http.cookies.

HTTP Modules - Python Docs

http.server on Pymotw

http.cookies on Pymotw

Source Code

The files are saved in this directory.


The module has five files and the statistics of the files are shown below.

$ find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.py' -exec wc -l '{}' + | sort -n
   149 ./
   612 ./
  1295 ./
  1519 ./
  2113 ./
  5688 total

Those modules appear to have different authors so they are loosely related. The module defines an HTTPStatus class which “defines a number of HTTP status codes, reason phrases and long descriptions”.

Http Server Module

The http.server can be invoked directly on the command line. We can setup a simple http server via this command serving the current directory.

python -m http.server 8080

In the web browser we can access a static website by typing the address http://localhost:8080/. The http server will start serving the index.html file of a website.

The command will invoke the script and start a server. The code after the ... = '__main__': line starts running. The code looks like the concept shown below.

# concept code

addr = (host, port)
with DualStackServer(addr, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) as httpd:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

The DualStackSever is derived from ThreadingHTTPServer, which is in turn derived from HTTPServer. The whole hierarchy of the classes is shown below.



The http.server module is closer to the socketserver module than other modules in the http package.

The serve_forever command can be thought as the entry point of the module. It is defined in the BaseServer class of the socketserver module. The code is shown below.

# serve_forever method in BaseServer

def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.5):
    """Handle one request at a time until shutdown.

    Polls for shutdown every poll_interval seconds. Ignores
    self.timeout. If you need to do periodic tasks, do them in
    another thread.
        # XXX: Consider using another file descriptor or connecting to the
        # socket to wake this up instead of polling. Polling reduces our
        # responsiveness to a shutdown request and wastes cpu at all other
        # times.
        with _ServerSelector() as selector:
            selector.register(self, selectors.EVENT_READ)

            while not self.__shutdown_request:
                ready =
                # bpo-35017: shutdown() called during select(), 
                #     exit immediately.
                if self.__shutdown_request:
                if ready:

        self.__shutdown_request = False

The serve_forever method uses the selector module. The register method is called only once here, so the selector only have one server socket registered. The selector does not include client sockets. I haven’t seen code like this in other places. The method then calls _handle_request_noblock, which in turn calls other methods in BaseServer and TCPServer classes. The self.socket shown below is a network socket initialized in __init__ method of TCPServer class. The request variable is normally named conn or connection which is a client socket.

# concept code in _handle_request_noblock, simplified

request, client_address = self.socket.accept() 
self.RequestHandleClass(request, client_address, self)

The RequestHandler class also has a hierarchy. Two of the classes are defined in the socketserver module and other two are defined in the http.server module. Those four classes are well organized.


Here is the code in the __init__ method of BaseRequestHandler class.

    def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
        self.request = request
        self.client_address = client_address
        self.server = server

The setup method is defined in the StreamRequestHandler class. It sets up two file streams rfile and wfile on the client socket, and derived classes can use those two streams to accept request from client and write response to the client.

The rfile is the return value of the makefile call on the socket. The wfile is a class _SocketWrite object which derives from BufferedIOBase class, and it has a method write which calls sendall method of the socket. So those classes are all built on top of the socket module.

The handle method in BaseHTTPRequestHandler class calls the handle_one_request method. It in turn calls parse_request method and method. The parse_request will parse the first line of the request (e.g., “GET / HTTP/1.1”) and the HTTP headers. The method refers to one of the methods defined in SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class such as do_GET and do_HEAD. The do... method will write to the wfile stream and send the response back. The SimpleHTTPRequestHandler does not define a do_POST method, so it can’t handle any POST method.

That’s basically how the http.server handles a request.

Http Client Module

The http.client module “defines classes implement the client side of the HTTP and HTTPS protocols”. The documentation says that “it is normally not used directly” and implies that urllib is recommended. Here is an example on how to use the module.

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')
conn.request('GET', '/')
resp = conn.getresponse()
print(resp.status, resp.reason)
data =  # return content in a byte string

If you already read the http.server module code, the source code in this module is not difficult to understand. The request method will call the _send_request method of the HTTPConnection class, which in turn calls putrequest, putheader, and endheaders methods. The send method of the class calls sendall method of the socket to actually transfer the request.

The getresponse method creates an instance of the HTTPResponse class, calls the begin method, and returns the instance. Then we can call the read method on the instance to get the actual HTTP response.

Http Cookies and Cookiejar

The http cookies module is relatively independent from other modules. The module only imports three standard modules, re, string, and types. It defines Morsel, BaseCookie, and SimpleCookie classes. The examples in the Python documentation do not show how to use this module with other server or client module.

The http cookiejar module defines a Cookie class and CookieJar and FileCookieJar classes. This Cookie class is not related to the SimpleCookie class. The examples on Python documentation shows how to use this module with the urllib module.


I spent quite some time reading the http module source code and trying to understand how they work. The code is a good resource for studying Python network related topics.