Python Pipenv Tool

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Pyenv is the tool I use to install multiple versions of python in Linux, and I have a short post on how to install pyenv. I simply use the python built-in tool venv to manage virtual environment. It works fine for most tasks.

William Vicent recommends pipenv tool in his Django for Beginners book. Corey Schafer also favors pipenv in this youtube tutorials. I take a close look at the tool and I like it.

Here are the links to two youtube videos and an article on real python website. Those are very nice resources to learn pipenv.

I will use pipenv to manage virtual environment and packages in my future projects. The shell script file for updating this website has been modified to like this:

if [ -z "$1" ]  # if no command line arg, exit
    echo "\$1 is empty"

# pipenv shell # does not work
pipenv run invoke clean build # see stack overflow 48056606
git status
git add -A
#echo $1
git commit -m "$1"
git push origin master # update source code

pipenv run ghp-import output -b gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages

The website is updated with the bash command:

source "git commit message"

Here are some common pipenv commands:

$pip install pipenv      # global install
$pipenv install requests # virtualenv in ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/...
$pipenv shell

$pipenv run python ...   # no need to activate
>>> import requests

$pipenv install -r requirements.txt
$pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt   # create

$pipenv install pytest --dev
$pipenv uninstall requests

$pipenv --python 3.6
$pipenv --rm      # remove virtual env
$pipenv install   # from Pipfile
$pipenv --venv    # show path

$pipenv check
$pipenv graph     # show dependency
$pipenv install --ignore-pipfile

When I am reading Miguel Grinberg’s Flask Mega Tutorial Chapter 15 A Better Application Structure. He recommends to use a python package python-dotenv to load environment variables. Corey Schafer’s tutorial video mentioned that pipenv can load environment variables as well.

This Pipenv documentation page has a section Automatic Loading of .env. If a project directory has a .env file, pipenv commands $pipenv shell and $pipenv run will automatically load it. You can set the PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION to change the file location or file name. You can also set PIPENV_DONT_LOAD_ENV =1 to prevent pipenv from loading the .env file.